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"I passed my AP Government Exam because of your game. I saw the colorful board in my brain, and I remembered all the Articles and Amendments in the Constitution from the game cards. During the test, I felt so confident as I answered the multiple choice questions and completed the essay portion of the test! It's fun, and you learn, because it's a game."
Game review by Bethany B.
"A primary object...should be the education of our youth in the science of government. In a republic, what species of knowledge can be equally important? And what duty more pressing...than communicating it to those who are to be the future guardians of the liberties of the country?"
–George Washington
Scholars agree...the American-made Constitution Quest Game is the most fun and easy way for families to LEARN and REMEMBER the U.S. Constitution!
Playing the Constitution Quest Game in a Classroom or Large Group Setting
Designed by Cognitive Square, Inc. 2011
Our Constitution Quest Game has been field tested with players age 10 through age 84, in both small and large group settings, with great success! Proven strategies that promote learning and retention are woven into the game play, as well as elements of chance, so that even the person with little Constitutional knowledge can have fun playing with someone with a greater Constitutional IQ.
We have also found that an educational strategy known as “scaffolding” provides best results for players of all ages, including adults with little constitutional knowledge. "Scaffolding" provides steps for learners to access the information in a gradual way, just as a painter might use a scaffold to help reach a higher level. This is also true when learning new content. To access the more complex information, we take small steps by learning the simplest concepts first, in order to build a foundation and promote successful learning. To scaffold, we suggest that the “novice cards” (these are mixed within the regular 5 decks and marked with a star) are removed from the numbered order in each deck, and placed on the top of the deck, so those cards will be drawn first. These "novice cards" have the least amount of verbiage and the content of these cards is simpler to grasp for the younger students or players with little Constitutional knowledge.
1) If playing with one Constitution Quest Game, set up the game on a table, in front or in the middle of the room.
2) Form 2-4 teams (no more than 4 teams on the game board) of 2-6 or more players. Each team should have a “team captain” that will be in charge of reading the questions and ALL the possible answers aloud, so ALL players can hear. (Partnering gives parents, grandparents, and teachers, great opportunity to model critical thinking as well as appropriate ways to be a good winner and loser.)
3) Follow directions as suggested in “Constitution Quest Game Play Rules and Directions” booklet. (One round takes approximately 35-40 minutes, but if a team doesn’t make it back to the star, or just beyond, within your time frame, teams add the points to determine the winning team.)
4) Choose your team’s signer portrait. Team members should sit together.
5) Write team names (Madison, Washington, etc.) on Constitution Quest Game Score Pad. (With a large group, playing with one game, it is helpful to show the score on a whiteboard or overhead, so every one can see.)
6) Roll dice to determine which team goes first. (Highest team roll goes first. Using large foam dice is fun in this setting!)
7) Start at “Ready Begin” on game board. First team rolls dice, and then moves to the right on the board according to the roll. Depending on the space color, draw card from top of corresponding deck, then team captain reads the question and and ALL possible answers aloud, so all teams can hear.
8) Teammates quickly share their thought process aloud so that ALL players can hear, and then they choose the BEST answer.
9) Once the answer is selected, an opposing team captain asks, “What’s the card number?” (ALL cards are numbered.) Then that captain checks the Answer Key to confirm or correct the answer.
10) The team that rolled must reread the question and the correct answer again (aloud), whether or not they had the answer correct or incorrect, to reinforce learning. If the answer was correct, the team that rolled earns the points for the roll.
If correct, mark points from the roll on score pad. Next team rolls, and so on. (Be sure to refer to the “Game Play, Rules and Directions” booklet throughout the game.)
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